Friday, March 25, 2011


A Fulfilled Life:  Confidence

I was part of an interview team, not long ago, and interviewed some amazing people.  They were very intelligent, had great ideas, and had done great work.  I didn’t know how to select the best candidate.  We had one more candidate to come and interview.  I was blown away by her.  It was more than her intelligence and what she had accomplished, but her confidence.  She walked into every situation, knowing who she was, what she had to offer, but listened to others, and was interested in the world around her.  It caused a total physical shock like reaction in me.  I realized that presentation of who we are really does make people pause, take notice and see the possibilities.
Confidence.  Confidence helps you live a more fulfilled life.  You are willing to reach out to more people.  You are willing to take chances on things you might not normally do, but become more enriched by doing it.  Confidence allows us to present ourselves as a walking advertisement for what we have to offer and allows others to tap into those resources, and build confidence their selves.  Think about that.  When you are around a confident person, how does that make you feel?  Do you start feeling more confident as they spend time with you?  It always builds my confidence!  

Enough is enough.  It is enough, allowing ourselves to drag ourselves down by what we aren’t.  Yes, we need to continue to improve ourselves and become better.  We are less likely to improve ourselves when we have low confidence; we only improve ourselves with high confidence.  Why?  Because we believe we can be better, and that we are worth the good things that will come when we are better, and know the journey will be worth it.

Confidence.  Confidence is not filled by attention and flattery from others.  Ya, that feels good, but it is fleeting and can leave us feeling more low and empty than before.  True confidence doesn’t need flattery, it needs us, in our heart, knowing that we are doing our best, and that we are worth people’s time and effort, and they are worth ours.  True confidence means we smile, and feel joy, even when we are alone.  True confidence means loving yourself, and as my mom always said “be your own best friend.” 

Confidence.  Confidence is not arrogance.  It is not looking down on others; it is not a surface belief in “looks” or “abilities.”   True confidence, in my definition, is a belief in our standing as a person of worth, able to accomplish good things, and make a difference in the world around us, through good acts, and a positive outlook.

No more, no more excuses, no more negativity, no more dragging ourselves down.  Just say no!!!

Say yes to confidence, say yes to advocating for yourself, say yes to joy, say yes to good works, say yes to doing more, being more, and loving more!!!!!

Confidence.  You too can be confident.  Rock it!!!


  1. This is a side note... but you mention that what you really loved about the candidate was the fact that she paid attention to/listened to others.

    This is sorely lacking these days... oftentimes, I feel I can't even finish a thought without someone else verbally competing, and they're probably trying to figure out what to say instead of listening to me.

    I guess it really does all boil down to confidence, though, because they're secure enough in their presentation (what they say and how they look) that they can take the moment to pay attention to others rather than think--"am I good enough?" as a constant distraction.

    It's a long process toward confidence... and some days are better than others for me... but I'm working at it!

    Thanks for this. Good stuff, Sara!

    -- Brooke :)

  2. I agree Brooke! Listening to others ideas is something I am continually working on improving. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas!!! Sara
